When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.
Innovation that excites
The current project aims to promote knowledge, skills and eco-friendly attitudes among youth while also aiming to provide local youth community development and empowerment by supporting youth to take action, be pro-active and get involved in pushing for eco-friendly actions (like cleaning up affected areas) and behaviors (adopting reduce/reuse/recycle behaviors). The project will allow for youth leadership, foster social engagement while also helping the municipality and high schools bring the issue of environmentally friendly behaviors to the spotlight of public attention.
Open call
The general objective of the project is to raise the awareness of 80 students on environmental protection measures and get them involved in the development, planning and implementation of 5 community Eco-friendly initiatives. By implementing the project we want, with the help of the volunteers, to promote to students from the high schools, through non-formal activities and workshops, the following 5 principles of environmental education:
1-Awareness: to acquire knowledge of pollution and environmental degradation.
2-Knowledge: to acquire variety of experience in, and acquire a basic understanding of the environment and its associated problems
3-Attitudes: to acquire a set of values for environmental protection.
4-Skills and capacity Building: acquire the skills for identifying and solving environmental problems. Further, to develop ability to draw unbiased inferences and conclusions.
5-Participation: To provide them with an opportunity to be actively involved at all levels in environmental community initiative