
Cover for Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret
Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret

Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret


ACT implements volunteering projects supported by the European Solidarity Corps programme.

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Photos from Asociatia de Terapie Integrativa Pentru Copiii Cu Autism -Daniel's post ... See MoreSee Less

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5 days ago
Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret

Today with the lovely students ❤️ of @sfântul Mina school in Craiova,we used plastic cups and transformed them into colorful pen holders. Students worked together to decorate the cups using paints, markers, and various craft materials. This activity helped reduce waste by repurposing plastic but also allowed everyone to express their artistic skills.
It was a fun and meaningful way to contribute to the school environment and promote sustainability 🌳 💚
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Today with the lovely students ❤️ of @sfântul Mina school in Craiova,we used plastic cups and transformed them into colorful pen holders. Students worked together to decorate the cups using paints, markers, and various craft materials. This activity helped reduce waste by repurposing plastic but also allowed everyone to express their artistic skills.
It was a fun and meaningful way to contribute to the school environment and promote sustainability 🌳 💚Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

❤️🥰 ... See MoreSee Less

❤️🥰Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment
2 weeks ago
Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret

Thank you Energetic!
Today a few of us volunteers went on a visit to Energetic, also meeting new students. We were there to give presentation promoting ESC. It went really nice and we hope you all got some inspiration from us telling about our experience. We can warmly recommend joining ESC to anyone interested, to look for projects that are in a country and subject of your own interest. Hope to see some of you at our next meeting at Energetic, to learn more about ESC and the EU and more info about how to sign up and search for projects etc. The date and time for the second meeting is not yet decided, but we will update you on the whatsapp group we made with some of you. See you around! 🫡🤩
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Thank you Energetic!
Today a few of us volunteers went on a visit to Energetic, also meeting new students. We were there to give presentation promoting ESC. It went really nice and we hope you all got some inspiration from us telling about our experience. We can warmly recommend joining ESC to anyone interested, to look for projects that are in a country and subject of your own interest. Hope to see some of you at our next meeting at Energetic, to learn more about ESC and the EU and more info about how to sign up and search for projects etc. The date and time for the second meeting is not yet decided, but we will update you on the whatsapp group we made with some of you. See you around! 🫡🤩Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

Saptamana aceasta voluntarii ACT au participat la intalnire foarte placuta cu psihologul si coordonatoarea Liceului Beethoven, unde ca si in alti ani avem un parteneriat reusit.
Intalnirea a avut ca scop stabilirea detaliilor logistice si a coordonarii pe mai departe in desfasurarea unor activitati si ateliere cu un impact semnificativ asupra elevilor. Totodata am aflat ce putem face sa venim si mai mult in ajutorul dezvoltarii si a mentinerii sanatatii mentale si fizice ale elevilor si cum putem sa ii abordam pe acestia spre a avea o relatie de prietenie cat mai fructuoasa.

Le multumim pentru colaborare si support !❤️
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Saptamana aceasta voluntarii ACT au participat la intalnire foarte placuta cu psihologul si coordonatoarea Liceului Beethoven, unde ca si in alti ani avem un parteneriat reusit. 
Intalnirea a avut ca scop stabilirea detaliilor logistice si a coordonarii pe mai departe in desfasurarea unor activitati si ateliere cu un impact semnificativ asupra elevilor. Totodata am aflat ce putem face sa venim si mai mult in ajutorul dezvoltarii si a mentinerii sanatatii mentale si fizice ale elevilor si cum putem sa ii abordam pe acestia spre a avea o relatie de prietenie cat mai fructuoasa.  

Le multumim pentru colaborare si support !❤️Image attachmentImage attachment

🥰Hello there!

On tuesday we had an event at Scoala Gimnaziala ”Traian” Craiova. We had 5 different stations where we made snowflakes❄️, boxes🎁, christmas cards, ornaments and pictures of christmas trees🎄.
✨We had a lot of fun and enjoyed our morning with the students.✨

Thank you to our partner school for the opportunity and the students for their involvement ❤️

Have a great holiday and see you next year!🎉
Crăciun fericit!🥳
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🥰Hello there!

On tuesday we had an event at Scoala Gimnaziala ”Traian” Craiova. We had 5 different stations where we made snowflakes❄️, boxes🎁, christmas cards, ornaments and pictures of christmas trees🎄. 
✨We had a lot of fun and enjoyed our morning with the students.✨

Thank you to our partner school for the opportunity and the students for their involvement ❤️

Have a great holiday and see you next year!🎉
Crăciun fericit!🥳Image attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

TEYRA: In Seoul, we had an amazing time during this Erasmus+ project! We learned so much, created valuable resources like our project brochure, and formed incredible collaborations with youth workers from across Europe.
This experience has reignited our passion for non-formal education and inspired us to make a real difference in rural communities. ❤️

#Teyra #ErasmusPlus #youthwork #ruraldevelopment #nonformaleducation
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TEYRA: In Seoul, we had an amazing time during this Erasmus+ project! We learned so much, created valuable resources like our project brochure, and formed incredible collaborations with youth workers from across Europe. 
This experience has reignited our passion for non-formal education and inspired us to make a real difference in rural communities. ❤️ 

#TEYRA #ErasmusPlus #YouthWork #RuralDevelopment #nonformaleducation

Hello from us again!🥰

The last two weeks of activities were about intercultural differences and celebrating them.
We also did a lot of crafts for christmas and had a lot of fun.😆

That's it for this week, you'll see us again soon😇
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Hello from us again!🥰

The last two weeks of activities were about intercultural differences and celebrating them.
We also did a lot of crafts for christmas and had a lot of fun.😆

Thats it for this week, youll see us again soon😇Image attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

Bună ziua everyone,

Here are some photos of the activities we did this week.
After a lot of fun time and lots of exciting things happened we wanted to share them with you.

Take care, rest well and have a good weekend 🤍🇹🇩

#act_craiova #act_for_community
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Bună ziua everyone, 

Here are some photos of the activities we did this week.
After a lot of fun time and lots of exciting things happened we wanted to share them with you. 

Take care,  rest well and have a good weekend 🤍🇹🇩

#act_craiova #act_for_communityImage attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment
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