SolidNet – (SOLIDarity NETworks for Social Inclusion)
Project aimed to provide opportunities for the personal and professional development of
volunteers and target group using volunteering and non-formal education by
implementing activities that integrated positive youth development principles into the
formal education system and to promote an increased volunteering awareness.
The project sought to respond to the need to diversify the range of personal and
professional development opportunities aimed at young people using a positive youth
development methodology.

Volunteers were divided into groups and were in charge of planning, implementing and evaluating each workshop.
The activities focused on developing body language and creativity; motor skills and coordination; learning English; team building games; practising art, painting and acting skills; improve communication skills; handicrafts, among others, and each workshop was designed taking into account the interests and personal characteristics of each student.
They also created videos focus on storytelling about volunteering life for future volunteers, with the aim to increase the visibility of volunteering experiences and activity at local and international level, to give more credibility and increase the attractiveness of volunteering (both at local and international level) among local youth and to help future international ACT volunteers to get to know better the day to day life of the ACT association and life in Craiova.